Compare Vonage to Other Providers

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Compare Vonage to Other Providers

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Compare Vonage to Other Providers

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See Your Results

Compare Vonage to Other Providers

Price breakdown + comparison
Adjust User Settings
Total Seats: 0

Mobile Users: 0

User Calls Per Day
Less than 5: 0

6 - 10: 0

More than 10: 0

Users that need call recording: 0

Vonage BT
Total 12-Month Cost £0.00 £0.00
Vonage Saves You0.00%
Total "Go Mobile" Cost £0.00 £0.00
Vonage Saves You0.00%
Phone Costs (one-time) £0.00 £0.00
Connection Charges £0.00 £0.00
Monthly Charges £0.00 £0.00
Total Included UK Landline / Mobile Minutes 0.00 0.00
Number of Seats with Unlimited Minutes 2 3
Call Recording (optional) £0.00 £0.00

Get Started With Vonage

How Vonage Works

Watch how the Vonage cloud-based phone system helps small businesses easily manage their phone systems.
Improve Business Effectiveness with VoIP
As your business grows, the Vonage cloud-based phone system easily grows with you. Easily add lines without an engineer, and save up to 30% compared to traditional land lines.
  • Easily add new extensions
  • Works with desktop, tablet & mobile
  • No downtime
  • Call monitoring and recording available
Vonage Easily Moves When You Move
See how the Vonage cloud-based phone system keeps you in contact with your clients, even as you move office locations. Moving your phone can be simple and stress free!
  • No business disruption
  • Easily forward calls to mobile
  • No technician required
  • Great customer service
Vonage is Perfect for Home Office
See how Vonage can solve the common issue of differentiating between business calls and personal calls in a home office. Don't wait 6-8 weeks for a traditional land line to be installed!
  • Business vs. personal calls solved
  • No technician required
  • No 6-8 week wait time like land line
  • Plenty of extra features

Measuring customer service with the Net Promoter Score®

How does Vonage compare to other voice solutions?

Vonage conducts a NPS survey quarterly. We continue to gain promoters by offering a reliable voice service with unparalleled customer service that is helpful and acessible.

What is NPS and how is it calculated?

What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

NPS is a leading growth indicator that asks your customers one single question on a 0 - 10 scale:
“How likely is it that you would recommend Vonage to a friend or colleague?”

How is NPS calculated?

Respondents to the NPS are grouped into three categories:


Those who answered the question with a 9 or 10. These are your loyal enthusiasts.


Those who answered the question with a 7 or 8. These are satisfied customers who are not entusiastic about the brand and are open to other competitive offers..


Those who answered the question with a 6 or below. These are unhappy customers who can damage the brand through negative word-of-mouth.

Free eBook Resources

Get these complimentary ebooks packed with small business tips and resources from Vonage.

10 Easy Ways to Save Your Business Money and Increase Your Efficiency

Trim costs and help your operation reach peak performance by using these expert tips.

7 Ways a Vonage Phone System Will Make Your Business Communications Better

You’ll see an improvement in both teamwork and customer service with our cloud-based business phone. Here’s how.